(By Delegates Long, Spencer, Talbott, Hunt,

Marshall, Overington and Rowan)

Requesting that the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study how strengthening families economically can help at-risk children and youth.

Whereas, Research has shown that children do better when their families do better; and
Whereas, Workforce development, family economic supports and community investment help reduce risk factors faced by children and youth today; and
Whereas, Strategies exist to help families become self-sustaining; and
Whereas, The federal Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income wage earners provides up to $4,300 per year for low-income families with a three-year look back period; and
Whereas, An estimated 46,000 West Virginians who were eligible did not claim the Earned Income Tax Credit in 2002, resulting in over $77 million in federal dollars being unclaimed for that year alone; and
Whereas, Families can use their Earned Income Tax Credit to save tax free for an education, a down payment on a home or the start of a business; and
Whereas, Increasing participation in the federal Earned Income Tax Credit by low-income West Virginians would provide a new source of revenue for the State without any additional cost and pump needed dollars into the State's economy; and
Whereas, Business and community efforts to provide free tax assistance to low-income West Virginians has been shown to increase participation in the federal Earned Income Tax Credit; and
Whereas, Investing in the provision of free tax assistance, asset building programs and financial literacy training could likely attract matching grants from major funders; and
Whereas, A small State investment in helping low-income West Virginians could result in an economic windfall for the State; therefore, be it
Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:
The Joint Committee on Government and Finance is requested to study the impact that providing financial support for family economic strengthening programs such as free tax assistance has on at-risk families and children; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report on its findings, conclusions and recommendations, together with drafts of any legislation necessary to effectuate its recommendations, to the next regular session of the Legislature; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the expenses necessary to carry out its duties, to prepare a report and to draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance.

This resolution is recommended for adoption in the 2005 Regular Session by the Legislative Task Force on Juvenile Foster Care, Detention and Placement.